Otautahi Aikido – General Information

Otautahi Aikido Class and Event Calendar

Grading Syllabus

All gradings will be judged on:
Free Style Gradings

The free style gradings are to be done continuously with speed and variety.
Example of free style.

Suwari Waza

Shomen uchi Ikkyo ->Yonkyo, Ryote dori Kokyu-Ho

Hanmihandachi Waza

Katate dori Shihonage, Ryote dori Kokyunage

Tachi Waza

2-3 techniques each from Shomen uchi, Yokomen uchi, Tsuki, Katate dori dori, Kossa dori, Morote dori, Ryote dori, Ushiro Ryote dori, Kata dori, Mune dori, etc.

Otautahi Grading (internal)

Level Lessons Requried (minimum) Techincal Requirements
6th Kyu 30 lessons
  • Taisabaki (stepping) – Irimi, Irimi Tenkan, Mawashi, Ayumi Ashi Tenkan.
  • Attacks – Shomen uchi, Yokomen uchi, Tsuki
  • Ukemi – Mae, ushiro, forward slap fall, sideways slap fall
  • Shikko – knee walking including turns.
Suwari Waza – on knees
  • Kossa dori Ikkyo – Omote and Ura
  • Ryote dori Kokyu-Ho
Tachi Waza – standing
  • Katate dori Shihonage – Omote and Ura
  • Kossa dori Iriminage – Omote and Ura
  • 1 x Optional technique

Buikukai gradings

Level Lessons Requried (minimum) Techincal Requirements
5th Kyu 30 more lessons
Suwari Waza
  • Shomen uchi Ikkyo – Omote and Ura
  • Ryote dori Kokyu-Ho
Tachi Waza
  • Katate dori Shihonage – Omote and Ura
  • Shomen uchi Iriminage – Omote and Ura
4th Kyu 30 more lessons
Suwari Waza
  • Shomen uchi Ikkyo – Omote and Ura
  • Shomen uchi Nikyo – Omote and Ura
  • Ryote dori Kokyu-Ho
Tachi Waza
  • Katate dori Shihonage – Omote and Ura
  • Shomen uchi Iriminage – Omote and Ura
  • Yokomen uchi – three techniques
  • Kata dori – three techniques
3rd Kyu 40 more lessons
Suwari Waza
  • Shomen uchi Ikkyo – Omote and Ura
  • Shomen uchi Nikyo – Omote and Ura
  • Shomen uchi Sankyo – Omote and Ura
  • Shomen uchi Yonko – Omote and Ura
  • Ryote dori Kokyu-Ho
Tachi Waza
  • Katate dori Shihonage – Omote and Ura
  • Shomen uchi Iriminage – Omote and Ura
  • Yokomen uchi – three techniques
  • Kata dori – three techniques
  • Tsuki – three techniques
2nd Kyu 50 more lessons
Free Style for three minutes
  • Suwari Waza (one minute)
  • Hanmihandachi Waza
  • Tachi Waza
1st Kyu 50 more lessons
Free Style for four minutes
  • Suwari Waza (one minute)
  • Hanmihandachi Waza
  • Tachi Waza
Shodan (Black Belt) 100 more lessons and consult with instructor
Demonstration and explanation of appointed techniques
Free Style for five minutes
  • Suwari Waza (one minute)
  • Hanmihandachi Waza
  • Tachi Waza

Glossary of common Aikido terms


AIKIDO “The way to harmony with the spirit”
AI Harmony
KI Spirit
DO The way or Path
Ai‑hanmi Mutual stance. Partners stand facing one another with the same foot forward. i.e: right/right
Atemi A strike or distraction
Bokken Wooden sword
Dojo Training hall
Ganbatte Train hard and stand true
Gi Training uniform
Gyakyu‑hanmi Opposite stance. Partners stand with the opposite foot forward. i.e: right/left
Hanmi Triangular stance. Literally means “half body”
Hanmi Handachi Nage (thrower) is kneeling and uke (attacker) approaches from a standing position
Hara Lower abdomen: physical and spiritual center
Hidari Left side
Irimi To enter; entering
Jiyu Waza Free style practice
Jo Wooden staff
Juji Elbow
Kamae Stance
Kata Shoulder
Ken Bokken
Ki Spirit; the vital force of the body; Universal Energy
Kiai A piercing scream or cry that unifies all parts of the body and spirit
Ki no nagare Stream of spirit
Kokyu Breath ‑ energy/ki flow and the motions of the body unified by control of the breath
Ma‑ai The appropriate distance between uke and nage. Means “harmony of space”
Migi Right side
Mune Chest
Nage Throw; the person who throws
Omote Forwards, in front of attacker
O’Sensei “The Great Teacher”. Morihei Ueshiba, Founder of Aikido
Randori Multiple person attack
Rei Salutation, bow<
Sabaki Motion
Sensei Teacher, instructor
Seiza Formal sitting posture
Shomen Front of the dojo. Also means front or top of head
Suwari Waza Techniques done from a sitting position
Taijutsu Body arts, the techniques of Aikido done without weapons
Tanto Knife
Te Hand
Te-gatana Hand blade
Tenkan Turn, pivot
Uchi A strike
Uchikomi To take a step forward and strike
Uke “To receive”. A person who receives an attack. Generally “uke” refers to the person being thrown
Ukemi The art of falling. “To receive through the body”
Ura The attacker’s back
Ushiro Back, behind, rear
Waza Technique
Yoko Side


Shomen-uchi Also called men-uchi, a straight frontal strike at the head with the hand or ken
Tsuki Punch or thrust
Yokomen-uchi Oblique strike to the head
Kata-dori One hand grip to the shoulder
Katate-dori One hand straight grip to the wrist
Kossa-dori One hand cross grip to the wrist
Morote-dori Two hands gripping one wrist/forearm
Mune-dori One hand grip of lapel
Ryo Both (Ryokata-dori is gripping both shoulders)
Ryote-dori Two hands gripping two wrists
Ushiro Attack from behind (Ushiro ryote-dori is gripping both wrists from behind)


Ikkyo 1st basic hold
Nikyo 2nd hold, twist applied to wrist
Sankyo 3rd hold, inwards rotation to hand
Yonkyo 4th hold, pressure point in forearm
Gokyo 5th hold, hands opposite to ikkyo
Hiji-shimi Arm bar.


Irimi-nage Entering throw
Juji-nage Elbow throw
Kaiten-nage Rotary throw
Kokyu-nage Breath throw techniques
Koshi-nage Hip throw
Kota-gaeshi “Turn wrist out” throw
Shiho-nage 4 directional throw, uke’s arm behind their shoulder
Sumi-otoshi Corner throw
Tenshi-nage “Heaven and earth” throw


1 ichi
2 ni
3 san
4 shi
5 go
6 roku
7 shichi
8 hachi
9 ku
10 ju


Otautahi Aikido - Christchurch - New Zealand